
Install from PyPI

The MAGIC WPS is available as a package in PyPI <> (c3s-magic-wps). A working installation of ESMValTool is required, currently version 2.0a2 is supported.

Install from GitHub

Note: These installation instructions assume you have Anaconda installed.

Note: these installtion instructions assume you have Julia installed

Check out code from the c3s magic wps GitHub repo and create a conda environment:

$ git clone
$ cd c3s-magic-wps
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ source activate c3s_magic_wps

Note: the environment will pull pywps from github via pip, ESMValTool is installed using conda

Next, to complete the installation of ESMValTool a R and Julia script are required. These are available in the package. Please adjust to match the installation location of conda on your system

$ Rscript /opt/conda/envs/c3s-magic-wps/lib/python3.6/site-packages/esmvaltool/install/R/setup.R
$ julia /opt/conda/envs/c3s-magic-wps/lib/python3.6/site-packages/esmvaltool/install/Julia/setup.jl

Finally install the WPS:

$ cd ../c3s-magic-wps
$ python develop

Configure c3s magic wps PyWPS service

The wps can be configured using the pywps configuration files. See the etc folder for examples. Create a file called .custom.cfg to customize settings for your installation. A path to the cmip and obs files is needed to run the metrics.

See the Installation section for more info

Start c3s magic wps PyWPS service

After successful installation you can start the service using the c3s_magic_wps command-line. An additional environment variable is needed with the location of the model data.

$ export CMIP_DATA_ROOT=/path/to/cmip/files

$ c3s_magic_wps --help # show help
$ c3s_magic_wps start  # start service with default configuration


$ c3s_magic_wps start --daemon # start service as daemon
loading configuration
forked process id: 42

Note: Remember the process ID (PID) so you can stop the service with kill PID.

The deployed WPS service is by default available on:


You can find which process uses a given port using the following command (here for port 5000):

$ netstat -nlp | grep :5000

Check the log files for errors:

$ tail -f  pywps.log

Run c3s magic wps as Docker container

Note: These installation instructions assume you have Docker installed.

You can also choose to run c3s magic wps from a Docker container.

Download c3s-magic-wps, build the docker container and run it using docker-compose:

$ git clone
$ cd c3s-magic-wps
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up

By default the WPS service should be available on port 5000:

Run docker exec to watch logs:

$ docker ps     # find container name
$ docker exec container_name tail -f /opt/wps/pywps.log

Use docker-compose to stop the containers:

$ docker-compose down

Use Ansible to deploy c3s magic wps on your System

Use the Ansible playbook for PyWPS to deploy c3s magic wps on your system.